Creating Your Baby Shower Registry: 10 Great Baby Gear Items

Have you walked through a Babies R Us store recently? The sheer amount of baby items is simply overwhelming! It’s hard to know what to register for beyond the essential car seat and crib. To help you navigate the plethora of “essential” baby gear items out there, here is a list of 10 items that will make your life a bit easier.

1. Swing

When you just need a break for a bit, a swing can offer your little one the second best thing to being in your arms. Swings today offer a variety of add-ons including front-to-back and side-to-side swinging motion, music, lights, and mobiles.

2. Nursing Pillow

Nursing pillows such as the Boppy Pillow or My Breast Friend assist you in finding comfortable feeding positions for your baby. They also reduce the strain on your arms and back, making feedings a more enjoyable experience for both you and your little one. It’s a great idea to purchase at least two covers so when one is in the wash, you have another one ready.

3. Click and Go Stroller

When your baby is little, hooking the car seat straight into the stroller can prolong those naps when you most need it. Also, these stroller bases are less bulky and can be easier to manage with one hand.

4. Umbrella Stroller

Although you won’t need one of these until your baby is older, a good umbrella stroller is a wonderful investment. Much smaller than other strollers, these are great for sidewalks and inside malls or other large buildings.

5. Jumper

Who doesn’t love some good exercise! Jumpers can help your little one build strength in their legs as well as watch you while you’re elsewhere in the room. Your baby will have a blast bouncing and jumping, while you are able to get some work done or cook dinner.

6. Waterproof Mattress Pads

Although small, these pads can be a lifesaver when that diaper doesn’t hold or that milk is spit up. Invest in two sets so when one is being washed you can put new ones down immediately.

7. Baby Bathtub

There are so many out there, you’ll be sure to find one that fits your needs. Whether it’s a cheerful inflatable rubber ducky or the Puj baby bathtub that nestles your little one in the sink, this is an essential baby gear item.

8. Dishwasher Basket

If you’re planning on using bottles, than a dishwasher basket is a must-have. This small contraption keeps all the bottles’ parts together, which means you’re not hunting for those small pieces all over the dishwasher.

9. Baby Carrier

Baby carriers help you increase the time you spend bonding with your child while allowing you a bit more hands-free time. Wearing your baby allows him or her additional skin to skin contact as well as the reassurance that you’re close by.

10. Co-Sleeper

Co-sleepers are a nifty mini crib that can be placed right beside your bed. They reduce the need for you to get out of bed to respond to your baby’s needs.

One thing is for sure: babies need a lot of stuff! The items on this list will help to make your little one’s first year as amazing as possible. When deciding which brands to register for, a quick web search of reviews is extremely helpful. If there are items that you still need after you’ve had your baby shower, consignment boutiques may offer some great deals.