Buying a Baby Jogger With Car Seat

Whether you’re a runner or just want to stroll with your baby, a jogging stroller can provide you with the ability to keep up with your fitness routine while enjoying time with your little one. Many jogging strollers can be used with an infant car seat, which makes them ideal for parents who need to combine exercise with childcare.

The most popular and well-reviewed jogging strollers with car seats on the market include the BOB Gear Rambler, Baby Jogger Summit X3, Thule Urban Glide 2, and UPPAbaby Minu. Each of these strollers has different features, but they all have several things in common: They can be used as a running stroller and an everyday stroller; they all work with a wide range of car seats (with the exception of the UPPAbaby Minu, which only works with Chicco); and they all feature a front wheel that can be locked when jogging to prevent it from accidentally turning while you’re going at a high speed.

Another thing that all of these strollers have in common is that they can be purchased as a travel system, which means that they come with a compatible infant car seat or toddler car seat included. This can save you money and time on the initial purchase, as well as allow you to start jogging from day one.

Before you buy a jogging stroller with car seat, consider talking to your pediatrician about when it’s safe for your child to begin using one. Typically, they recommend waiting until your child is old enough to hold their head upright on their own before attempting any running or jogging. However, some strollers that are fitted with infant car seat adapters can be used with newborns as early as six months.

While some people choose to use a regular stroller with their infant car seat and only run with the jogging stroller when it’s not attached, other people like to have a dedicated jogging stroller for their baby that they can use from day one. If you’re considering this option, be sure to look for a model that has a deceleration brake, as well as a parking brake to help prevent the stroller from moving while you’re in a stationary position.

Most jogging strollers also have an adjustable handlebar to ensure that the person pushing it can stand up straight without hunching over or reaching too far for the controls. They also tend to have larger wheels that can handle rough terrain and move at a faster pace than standard strollers.

Another thing to look for in a baby stroller jogger with car seat is that it has a secure five-point harness. While most strollers have this, some only offer three-point harnesses that can easily be tampered with by babies who know how to undo the buckle. You should also check to see if the model you’re looking at has a lockable swivel front wheel. This feature is especially important if you plan to jog on a hard surface, as it will help prevent the front wheel from unintentionally turning while you’re at a fast speed.