A Baby Stroller You Can Run With

Having a baby is exciting, but it’s also a huge responsibility. It’s important for moms and dads to stay active, and a stroller allows them to take their child with them without compromising their fitness goals. A baby stroller you can run with isn’t just for walking around the neighborhood—you can use it on paved paths or even on mountainous trails. The best jogging strollers are sturdy and have added suspension to provide a smooth ride for your little one. Typically, these strollers feature front and rear wheels that lock together to help you maintain stability as you run at speed. Some jogging strollers are convertible into travel systems that accept infant car seats, which makes it easy to go from running outdoors to going shopping at the mall with your little one.

If you’re unsure about whether a stroller is right for your family, it’s a good idea to test drive one before you buy it. Ask a friend to let you borrow theirs and try it out for a few runs around the block. Getting used to navigating the tether strap and maneuvering the stroller plus running can be a challenge, so take it slowly at first. When you’re ready, start by taking your kid along for shorter walks and then work up to jogs.

A good stroller for running should have a handle that’s comfortable to grip with wet hands. Ideally, it will also have a storage basket for your belongings and a cup holder for water or your favorite energy drink. Some of the top-rated strollers are also designed to accommodate parents of different heights, with adjustable handles that click into multiple positions so shorter runners can enjoy a comfortable run.

It’s also a good idea to choose a stroller that has a sun canopy that’s rated to UPF 50 or higher for protection against harmful UV rays. Some models come with removable and movable panels that you can position depending on the weather. If you plan to jog during inclement weather, look for a stroller with rain covers that cover the entire seat and canopy so your little one won’t get wet.

Finally, a good jogging stroller should be lightweight enough to easily fold and compact enough to fit in your trunk when not in use. Some models fold down with a single step and stand up on their own when folded, which is ideal for storing in the garage or tucking away in the back of your car so you can quickly grab it when you’re headed out for your daily jog. Graco’s Fast Action Stroller is a great option for parents who want a fast and easy-to-use stroller that doesn’t take up too much space in the trunk of their vehicle when collapsed. It’s also compatible with Graco car seats, making it easy to transform into a travel system if you need to. The only drawback is that it doesn’t have a swivel front wheel, which is frustrating if you’re trying to navigate narrow aisles at the grocery store.