With many different brands and designs available in the market, choosing a double stroller suitable for parents and children can be difficult. You must always consider the following issues before deciding to make a purchase.
1. Maneuverability
A single stroller is usually easier to navigate or manage due its lighter weight and smaller dimension. When purchasing a double stroller, you also have to consider the maneuverability aspect such as steering and weight even when the stroller carries two children. You need to make sure that the stroller can easily go through difficult terrain and small doors.
2. Easy to Fold
Most modern double strollers are foldable, meaning you can easily store it in a small room when not in use. Please purchase a double stroller with a simple folding mechanism that does not require you to disassemble a lot of parts. If you find one that can lock the folded position, go for it.
3. Harnesses and Brakes
Besides comfort, you also have to consider safety factors including the availability of harness and brakes. The safety accessories should be easy for you to use as well. Five-point harness is a good accessory, but you have to be able to adjust it easily. Brakes are also important both for handling and safety. Hand-operated brakes are always better, allowing you to access it quickly.
4. Adjustable canopies
Canopies are usually included in the package, but you can purchase them separately if necessary. For double strollers, the canopies should adjust independently for either passenger. They need to be wide enough to provide enough protection from sun. It is even better when the canopies have windows.
5. Stroller Dimensions
Folding design makes the strollers smaller. However, some double strollers are simply too big to get in a car even when in folded position. You need to measure the product carefully to make sure you can fit it in the back seat of your car.
6. Maximum Weight
All manufacturers provide information about the maximum weight their strollers can carry. The best double stroller for infant and toddler is not necessarily the one with the highest capacity, but one that is suitable for your need. Large capacity usually affects the overall weight and dimension of the stroller. Added weight and dimension probably create handling or maneuverability issues also. Before purchasing any product, remember the height and weight of your children and project their growth rates. If you plan to use the strollers for many years to come, however, purchase one that allows for heavier passengers. It is better than purchasing a new stroller every year.
7. Brand
Every parent has personal preference about certain brands. Internationally recognized brand from reputable manufacturer usually comes at a price. It is not wrong to try to look for generic brand before making a purchase. Some generic products have more features and include more accessories compared to many popular strollers which are usually more expensive. Some accessories for stroller such as cup holders and organizers are sold separately, yet you don’t have to purchase them from the same manufacturer that sells your strollers. Accessories from generic brands are usually less expensive and the non-uniformity can be stylish too.
8. Price
Any product may have drawbacks, regardless of how expensive it is. Common drawbacks include brakes failure, a folding mechanism that doesn’t work, bent frames, etc. Price is not the only variable to determine the actual quality of a double stroller. The durability or functional life of a stroller is often heavily affected by how often and where you use it. If you have no plan to use a double stroller very frequently, going for a less expensive product is a wise decision. In case you need to use the strollers for younger children in the future, top quality expensive products are usually better.
9. Warranty
Most warranties cover parts, labor or faulty workmanship. More common problems such flat tire and torn canopies are not always considered manufacturing defects, requiring you to find replacements or fix them yourself. The best bet is to purchase from sellers that offer return policy or money-back guarantee. Always keep the original packaging in case you need to return the product.
10. Customer Reviews
When purchasing online, make sure to read double stroller reviews from independent websites or simply pay attention to what other buyers are saying about any product. Purchase only a double stroller with high consumers’ rating and a lot of positive feedback.
There are numerous brands and styles of double stroller available in the market for everyone. It means that the best double stroller for someone is not always as good for you. You need to know what kind of product you are looking for and be aware of your budget to make sure that your money is indeed well-spent.