Make Your Own Baby Stroller Gun Cart

If you’ve ever lugged multiple guns, ammo and shooting gear across a sporting clays course or three gun competition in rugged terrain, you know it can wear you out. That’s why so many shooters rely on a baby stroller gun cart to transport all their gear around the course or PRS match, and it’s not difficult to make one yourself.

The kid’s old InStep or jogging stroller is a natural chassis for the gun cart (though I’ve seen them built on just about any other wheeled contraption, including golf carts). A few quick tweaks and you can have a stable, back-heavy and balanced gun buggy. The key is securing the mounts to ensure that most of the gun weight is over the wheels and center of the cart to keep it from being tippy and hard to push. I’ve used a few of the commercial Rugged Gear carts, but they’re pricey.