If you have ever wondered if a baby stroller that follows you is possible, you are not alone. Smartbe is a self-propelled stroller that automatically follows the parent, while walking forward or backward, on foot. It even has a built-in bottle warmer and a rocking chair that plays music for the baby. Here’s a closer look at this new technology. You’ll want to check out these great features if you’re considering purchasing one of these smart strollers.
The Smartbe Intelligent Stroller is currently seeking crowd-funding dollars on Indiegogo. This self-propelled stroller is linked to the owner’s smartphone through an invisible leash. It can follow you and maintain the same distance as if you were walking, cycling, or toting a golf bag. This technology is not available yet, but the idea is intriguing. The concept of a stroller that follows you might be the future of transportation, but it is not far away.
The Cowarobot robotic stroller is another example of a baby stroller that follows you. It tracks you using built-in cameras to track you. It can even follow you through a factory outlet if you want. Unlike a manual stroller, this one follows you without your help. It also follows you through crowded shopping malls and factory outlets. With a little programming, the Baby Stroller that Follows You will follow you everywhere.
The Smartbe self-propelled stroller also has two modes: assist-propelled mode and manual navigation. In assist-propelled mode, the Smartbe will push the stroller forward for you, allowing you to focus on the tasks you love. The SmartBe stroller can cruise by itself, or even run. Regardless of which mode you choose, this technology will help you enjoy your time out with the baby. The Smartbe is already available on IndieGogo.
The Smartbe baby stroller also comes with a bottle warmer. It even warms bottles for you! This baby stroller follows you as you walk, making it possible for both of you to enjoy a day out with your little one. Parents are the hardest jobs, and sharing the responsibility with someone else can make parenting easier. A smartbe stroller that follows you might be the next step. You’ll never have to miss your daily routines again.