Are you concerned that your baby stroller may have been hit by a car? One of the greatest things about baby strollers is their convenience and ability to move along with you. The freedom of pushing them along can be quite liberating, but it also poses some unique dangers as well. When you are concerned that your baby stroller may have been hit by a car, there are a number of things that you should do in order to ensure that you and your baby are as safe as possible.
If you are concerned that your baby stroller has been hit by a vehicle, it is important that you call the police right away. The fact of the matter is that this is one of the worst things that could happen. Even if the stroller was left unattended for a few minutes, the potential for its being hit by a moving vehicle is high. Even worse, if the vehicle in question is an accident waiting to happen, then it may already have been done.
It is important that you secure the baby stroller to some type of board on the front of your vehicle. This board should be secure enough to prevent the stroller from moving forward even if you happen to be driving fast. It may be convenient for you to be able to push the stroller up against the bumper of your car, but this will not be remotely safe. You are far better off to secure the board to the board, so that it cannot move in any direction without contacting the frame of the car. Even if the board is not completely secured, you can make it much more difficult for a child to get his or her arms underneath the stroller in case the baby stroller were to hit by a moving vehicle.
It is also essential that you look over the brakes of the car in which you are stopped. In the event that your baby stroller were to come to rest against the wheels of the car, then it may be necessary to jack the car up in order to raise the stroller with ease. If you are unable to do this yourself, then it may be necessary to employ the services of a professional. Regardless of who was responsible for raising the stroller, it is imperative that the brakes of the vehicle should be immediately released in order to avoid any danger to the baby.
If you are looking into buying a baby stroller, then it would probably be a wise idea for you to purchase one from a company that offers a warranty on their products. By doing so, you can ensure that they will stand behind the quality of their products. Also, it is a good idea for you to take the time to check the wheels of the stroller. These should be strong and should be able to resist the weight of a baby.
In the event that you found that a baby stroller did indeed hit by a moving vehicle, it may be possible to use cushioning to help relieve the impact of the crash. Cushioning can also help to keep the baby secure, especially if the car itself did hit the baby. This cushioning may come in the form of a specially designed pillow. If the baby is in an uncomfortable position after the crash, you may want to look into purchasing a pillow that has been designed to provide extra support to babies of all sizes.