Buying a Baby Stroller For Twins

baby stroller for twins

If you’re expecting twins or have two children close in age, you’ll need a baby stroller for twins. These can hold two seats or a seat and a bassinet or car seat and are great for babies from birth through toddlers. There are three types of double strollers: side-by-side, tandem, and convertible. Side-by-side strollers allow the kids to see each other and are best for twin infants. Tandem strollers place one seat in front of the other and are good for twin toddlers. Convertible strollers work as singles or doubles and can also add a Rumble Seat or Ride-Along Board for an additional child.

When shopping for a baby stroller for twins, look for one that is sturdy and large enough to hold both children. You should also look for a high weight limit for each seat, especially if your twins are infants. A 50 lb weight limit for the larger seat is ideal and will last longer than a 30 lb limit. Also, the seats should recline to a near-flat position for easy napping.

It’s also important to look for a telescoping handlebar and easy-press brakes on a stroller for twins. It should also have a wide, deep storage basket and plenty of foot room for the back sitter. A canopy is a must, too. It will protect your little ones from the sun and keep them comfortable. Look for one that extends far enough for both seats and has a visor to block out the wind. It should be easily folded and, if you need to store it in the garage or trunk of your car, it should fit with the seats still attached.

A lot of people buy a single-to-double stroller thinking they’ll need it for awhile and then are disappointed when their babies outgrow it. Save yourself the frustration (and the annoyance) and get a stroller that can work as a single or double from the start. The UPPAbaby Vista v2 Double is a popular choice because it can be used as either and even accommodates three kids with the addition of a Rumble Seat or Ride-Along.

Lastly, make sure the baby stroller for twins you choose works with your car seats. Some frame strollers are made only to hold the infant car seats and don’t have their own seats. These only work for as long as your twins are in their infant car seats, which is typically about a year. The top-scoring options for twins that work with car seats are the UPPAbaby Vista v2 and the Evenflo Pivot Xpand.

Strollers for twins are typically heavier than single strollers, so be sure to factor that into your buying decision. It’s also important to test out how well the stroller folds and fits into your car’s trunk before you buy it. If you have a hard time with it, move on to another option. It’s best to invest in a quality stroller that will last a while so you can sell it or give it to another family once your twins are done using it.