Baby Stroller Infant Carrying Capacity
Using a baby stroller for transport of infants is common all over the world. Infant carriages have been in use for centuries and various other methods of moving small children were also used by different cultures. These methods include baby slings, baby baskets, portable carriers, stroller frames, adjustable bassinets, jogging strollers and tricycles. Each of these methods of infant transport are designed to move infants safely and comfortably from location to location.
With the ever increasing popularity of baby strollers it is not surprising that there are various models and designs available in the market. All the models of baby strollers are designed differently so as to suit each and every family. There are certain points which need to be considered while purchasing a baby stroller. The features of a baby stroller have to be clearly checked before purchasing one.
One of the most important features is the size of the carriage seat of the stroller. It should be large enough so that the baby can easily be pushed in it. The seat must not be too small for the child. A baby stroller should be at least three feet in length. Usually a stroller that has a three feet long carriage seat is perfect for babies who are crawling.
Most of the baby strollers are equipped with an emergency stop button, this helps to automatically stop the stroller if the brakes fail. This should be found in the center or on the side of the seat. These strollers come with harness strap, which should be fastened tightly. If not the baby will get entangled in the harness strap and could either hurt itself or come into harm’s way.
There is another type of stroller which is specifically made to suit the baby’s crib. This stroller has a built in car seat attachment. You can attach it to the stroller using the harness strap. In this way you can easily move the baby from the car seat to your house.
However, this kind of stroller is not designed for the walking infant, as it cannot support the weight of an infant and a carriage seat. A baby stroller, which is used with an infant and a walker combination is also available in the market. This kind of stroller can be used along with a car seat and can be operated by the push of a button.