A baby stroller, also called a pram, is an infant carrier designed for walking. It is usually used by parents who want to spend time outdoors without worrying about their children’s safety and comfort. Strollers are made of various materials, including steel or aluminum for the frame and cloth for the seat and hood. They can be pushed manually or motorized. Some models feature a bassinet for newborns and a fully-reclined seat for older babies. If you often go to the supermarket with your baby, you might want a large under-seat storage space. If you enjoy running, a jogging stroller with wide tires will provide the best ride.
Icons are a set of graphic elements that represent ideas, objects, actions and symbols. They can be used in software and applications to convey meaning. They are most often accompanied by text or other graphics to explain what they represent. Icons are commonly used for graphical user interfaces (GUI) and computer-related systems, but they are also found in other types of media, such as print and video games.
The baby carriage glyph icon, or pram, is the most popular form of this symbol. It is a simple design that can be interpreted as either a stroller or a baby’s crib. It is commonly used in icons and logos related to family, child care, and motherhood. The icon is available in a number of colors and can be used for both digital and printed applications. This type of icon is also available in a variety of sizes and shapes, such as square and circular.